ErgoImager Pro
ErgoImager Pro includes a variety of software tools to perform various biomechanical and ergonomics analysis and includes 3D mannequin technology from our HumanCAD® software.
ErgoImager Pro provides selected reports with the original images (if imported) with various results.
Joint Moment Graph
2D Biomechanical Model
ErgoImager Pro also includes features such as the ability to import a background digital image or an image from digital video. You can change the mannequins position using Forward and /Inverse Kinematics.
Product Features
- Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation
- Energy Expenditure
- Snook & Ciriello Tables
- Mital, Nicholson & Ayoub Tables
- Hand strength MAE: The MAE (Maximum Acceptable Efforts) method is designed for repetitive tasks that use frequency and/or duty cycle (DC) to predict maximum acceptable efforts (MAE) as a percentage relative to maximum voluntary efforts (MVE).
- AFF method: The AFF (Arm Force Field) method predicts manual arm strength (MAS) for a wide range of body orientations, hand locations and any force direction. This method uses an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the effects of hand location and force direction on MAS and includes a method to estimate the contribution of the arm's weight to the predicted strength.
- New Liberty Mutual MMH 2021
- Revised Strain Index (RSI), Composite Strain Index (COSI) & Cumulative Strain Index (CUSI)
- MQ 3D biomechanical model
- Interface to the 3DSSPP biomechanical model
- 2D biomechanical model
- Import of a background digital image
- Ability to modify a mannequin's anthropometry (using various features from our HumanCAD technology)
- Calculation and display of the mannequin's Center of Gravity
- Posture library with predefined and user defined postures
- Forward and /Inverse Kinematics movement
- Detailed anthropometry and BSIP data
Detailed Mannequin Data
Ordering Information
Product ID |
Description |
ErgoImager Pro (Version 6) Complete system (all modules) |
- 3D Digital image interface to NexGen's MQ biomechanical model
- 3D Interface with 3DSSPP model
- 2D biomechanical model
Lifting, Push & Pull Task Analysis
- Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation
- Snook and Mital tables
- New Liberty Mutual MMH
Energy Expenditure |
Posture & Upper Extremity Analysis
Posture & Upper Extremity Analysis
- Hand strength MAE (Maximum Acceptable Efforts)
- AFF (Arm Force Field) methods.
ErgoImager Pro 30-Day Trial Version Download
Current Version: V6
Click here to request an ErgoImager Pro 30-day trial.
NOTE: Software trials are provided for evaluation only prior to possible purchase by those involved in the evaluation and decision process. We also provide them to students when the university has purchased the software and the trial is coordinated through academic staff.
ErgoImager Pro is a trademark of NexGen Ergonomics Inc.
HumanCAD is a registered trademarks of NexGen Ergonomics Inc.