These calipers are economical tools for measuring body fat percentage using the Jackson-Pollack Formula, Durnin Formula, or bioelectrical impedance analysis. Between the skin and muscle is a layer of subcutaneous fat. You can measure the percentage of total body fat by taking the skinfold at select points on the body with calipers. Skyndex Digital Calipers Featuring a digital readout display, these user friendly calipers electronically store measurements then calculate body fat percentage in seconds using a built-in formula. Available with Durnin Formula for general population, Jackson-Pollack Formula for athletes, or both. Operates on AC adapter or battery.
Body fat percentages without using tables. Measure the appropriate sites, press the enter button, body fat percentage will appear on the display. Jackson-Pollack is standard; AAHPERD and Slaughter Lohnmann for children; Durnin for research. Carrying case, battery transformer, and instructions included (4 lbs).
Single formula
12-1100 - Jackson-Pollack formula
12-1101 - Durnin formula
12-1103 - Slaughter/Lohmann formula
Dual formula
12-1107 - Durnin + Jackson-Pollack formula
12-1108 - Durnin + Slaughter/Lohmann formula